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Burn Fats Fast: Do You Know Chilies Can Help You Drop 230 Pounds?

Please hold on to your jaws, I believe many of you have opened it wide gasping in disbelief when you read my article title. That was the same reaction I had last night when I saw a Korean television program featuring an obese woman weighing nearly 352 pounds and went on to lose 230 pounds! Her weight loss secret? Chilies! This is simply incredible!
The truth is that her successful weight loss was credited to her personal trainer, the man behind who has mooted this out of the world exercise technique using chilies. Just how does one workout using chilies? This must be the question hanging over your head.
Just when I was trying to have a wild imagination so as to hazard a guess how chilies can have such a fat burning effect, the television screen zoomed in on the answer that unraveled the mystery behind it. This was how it worked. As the camera lens closed up on the abode of our obese lead character, I observed that she stayed in the countryside where much farming is being done. Right next to her house is a plot of land used to grow chilies. Outside her house, there is a wall like structure, not sure of its purpose though, not very high too.
The trainer went on to explain how he conducted his training. fishing tools would leave a heap of chilies on the structure. The obese lady, would stretch her left hand to reach out for one chilly, also extending her left leg and the same time, and leave the chilly on another end of the structure. Likewise, the same action will be performed using her right hand and leg. It was not known for how long she executed this set of exercise and how many chilies were used each time. However, what was mentioned was that she had done this over the past 2 years and the result is for all to see. She had successfully lost a whopping 230 pounds! Now isn't that simply amazing? I still find it rather unbelievable as I am sharing this.
The instructor went on to say that he had thought of this innovative idea of utilizing fruits and vegetables like water melons and cabbages as part of his training tools. His method of training included lifting the cabbages with both hands above your shoulders, sometime like your overhead dumbbell extension. As for the watermelons, he made his trainees do throw and catch. The TV screen zoomed in at this juncture on the body and highlighted the profile of his belly of his trainees which showed audiences slow motion footages to demonstrate the range of motion by the body while hurling and catching the watermelon to justify that his method works! I must admit that I am more intrigued by how the simple action of chilly picking can have such a great weight loss impact on an obese person. His idea of using fruits and vegetables is simply a replacement of dumbbells and medicine ball as these are quite common exercise you find people doing in the gym. The strange thing I found, was that these exercises were done in a fully equipped gym. His trainees interviewed expressed that the training was fun because, like the majority of us, he did not know that fruits can be used for workout and he would like to recommend his mum to try that out with him. I suppose a dose of fun injected into your workout often does magic. It helps to break away from the routine and monotonous training one may be doing for a change.
The trainer also shared with the audiences on how to turn your daily household chores into workout time. For instance, when using the vacuum cleaner or mopping the floor, try to stretch your arms fully when your hands extend and retract from the continuous and repetitive movement when doing these chores.
I reckon it is not a bad idea for people who have no access to the gym or have no time to visit the gym. The idea is to grab every opportunity to move instead of being sedentary. I think this is exactly what it means by "When there is a will, there is a way"!